While every efforts are made to ensure that the information provided in this website are correct and truthful to our best knowledge, we cannot guarantee all Information are accurate.
All information, news and government policies are subject to changes from time to time, and we are not responsible to ensure posting of up to date information though we will try our best to post only the most accurate updates to our best knowledge.
We do not represent the developers nor do we directly market the properties described in this website. We do have contacts and works with representatives, staffs or marketing agents of these developers and we represent you, the prospective buyer, to introduce these properties to you.
By communicating to us that you are interested in any of these properties or other properties in Singapore, you have deemed given your consent to us to represent you to assist you in searching and possibility buying a property in Singapore. You would have also seemed to have given consent to us to propose suitable properties to you until you explicitly inform us to stop doing so. There is, however, no bidding contract in such an agreement and both parties are allowed to stop doing so without notice.
All information, news and government policies are subject to changes from time to time, and we are not responsible to ensure posting of up to date information though we will try our best to post only the most accurate updates to our best knowledge.
We do not represent the developers nor do we directly market the properties described in this website. We do have contacts and works with representatives, staffs or marketing agents of these developers and we represent you, the prospective buyer, to introduce these properties to you.
By communicating to us that you are interested in any of these properties or other properties in Singapore, you have deemed given your consent to us to represent you to assist you in searching and possibility buying a property in Singapore. You would have also seemed to have given consent to us to propose suitable properties to you until you explicitly inform us to stop doing so. There is, however, no bidding contract in such an agreement and both parties are allowed to stop doing so without notice.